Thursday 27 April 2017

Colour-Obsessed Artist, Dennis Osadebe, Explores Fashion As His New Medium

Seventeen weeks ago, Dennis Osadebe threw out a question to his Instagram followers: “If I made t-shirts and other stuff would you buy them?”. Unsurprisingly, all the answers were positive.
Five weeks later, he announced that he would be releasing limited edition merchandise under his new lifestyle brand, Live Fast Die Slow (LFDS).

That wasn’t his first time crossing boundaries into fashion. He previously collaborated with the menswear brand, Orange Culture, to release a limited collection of casual wear featuring colourful prints on pieces designed by the brand’s creative director, Adebayo Oke-Lawal.
Once, he told The Style HQ during an interview:
“I am exploring alternative means of displaying my art such as social media, thinking past canvases, collaborating with other creatives and having my art in alternative spaces.”
For someone who has described his art using ‘freedom’ and ‘soul’, the medium of clothing is used to express just that.
Dennis bleeds color, and much like his art, he wants LFDS to serve as an elusive complementary interaction between living on the fast lane and taking time to enjoy the ride. 
He also continues to explore the concept of Neo Africa by the use of modern shapes and modern takes on the aesthetics of the brand.
According to him:
“Design in general is something that really excites me and I’m always thinking about creating all sorts of things from clothes to home décor to even little things like bumper stickers.”
Well, LFDS is a taste of what the artist can create outside of the traditional canvas. His limited collections feature t-shirts, unisex lounge shorts, iPhone cases, and face caps. The brand exudes positive serene energy from the use of relaxing objects, to its modern approach with mainstream fabrics.
When asked about what the brand stands for, he said:
“The brand is really a blend of the energies necessary to thrive in the city. On the one hand ‘Live fast’ is that feeling, that desire to be competitive, innovative one step ahead of the crowd, really operate at maximum potential and ultimately succeed and this is embodied by the bright coloured aesthetic that surrounds a lot of the brand.
At the same time while trying to achieve all these great things, one always has to be cautious and take the time to appreciate the beauty around.”
You can purchase LFDS from Dennis' online store and follow the brand on Instagram.

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